50 Kickass Hiking Quotes For Instagram That Attract Likes

Are you looking for some original hiking quotes for Instagram?

Then you might like our sweet list that will spice up your social media presence. Please, continue reading.

We tend to capture the outdoors through two lenses: one, where nature is a portrait of glimmering falls, vivid greens and seasonal cycle, the other, us trying to find our footing in wilderness and succeeding in various degrees.

Pictures tell a thousand words and these snapshots reveal much of our forays into the great outdoors.

While Instagram gobbles up these pictures like how dirt absorbs water, captioning them with awesome hiking quotes make our story-telling even better.

After all, what were we thinking when out in the mountains? Were we so focused on the beauty that we forgot the exhaustion in our limbs, or were we chanting mantras to keep going?

Did we philosophize about our connection to nature? Perhaps we simply threw ourselves into the sensory experience.

Whether you’re trying to attract more likes on social media or simply want to add context to your photos, quotes are the way to go.

We brainstormed several categories of hiking quotes below to try to capture what you hope to say.

We included some famous quotes but we also let our creative juices flow to come up with some brand new quotes that you won’t see anywhere else.

In addition, you can also check out our viral hiking captions for couples. They are quite popular.

Let’s start.

Classic Quotes For The Consummate Hiker

If you’re both a passionate reader and hiker, no doubt you’ve come across reflections on nature by poets, thinkers and explorers.

man taking selfie in the mountains

They had, like we no doubt will, learnt some wisdoms that are meant to be shared. Whether these quotes teach us about the worth of the journey or uses hiking as a metaphor for life’s challenges, they’ll engage your Instagram followers. As you will see, some are by the late John Muir.

“May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds.” Edward Abbey

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“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Lao Tzu

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“Somewhere between the bottom of the climb and the summit is the answer to the mystery why we climb.” Greg Child

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“I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived.” Henry David Thoreau

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“If you can find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” Frank A. Clark

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“Returning home is the most difficult part of long-distance hiking; you have grown outside the puzzle and your piece no longer fits.” Cindy Ross

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“In every walk with nature, one received far more than he seeks.” John Muir

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“I see my path, but I don’t know where it leads. Not knowing where I’m going is what inspires me to travel it.” Rosalia De Castro

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“It’s not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves.” Sir Edmund Hillary

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Sweet And Short Quotes To Keep You Hiking

Motivational quotes don’t have to be long or philosophical to be impactful. Short, powerful phrases can be inspiring all the same.

a man hiking in splendid nature

They can also give you strength during the hike – the more you chant positive words, the more you believe them.

Of course, when you’re uploading proof of your hiking success, they also function as the perfect caption to encourage people to spend time outdoors.

And from a purely Instagram-friendly perspective? Short quotes can be edited into pictures for that extra oomph factor.

“Keep breathing, keep going.”

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“Open your senses to quiet the noise in your head.”

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“One, two, three steps more to the top.”

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“There's nowhere more free than where you can see both the sky and the sea.”

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“Exploring is my nature.”

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“Think up, look around.”

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“The only way is forward.”

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“Breathe deep. Pause. Release.”

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“In the journey I have found me.”

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“If I say I can do it, I can do it.”

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“Living in the moment means allowing yourself to feel.”

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“Nature clears the mind and nourishes the spirit.”

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“Out here, I feel alive.”

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“There is always somewhere to go.”

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Quotes To Power You Up

Your throat is dry from the brisk mountain air, your legs heavy like lead. The peak feels an entire continent away.

man climbing a rock

In moments like this, what words come to mind? How do you encourage yourself? Reminding ourselves of our strength can push us through that last stretch.

Maybe you’ll repeat the words like a mantra, or maybe these quotes will remind you of the reasons you hike. Capture your moment of resilience and share it with others.

“No matter how rough it gets, just keep on moving.”

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“When you're standing before the unwavering beauty of nature, all the pains fall away.”

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“When you're tired, focus on the sights.”

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“Don't think about how much you have left to go. Think about how far you've already come.”

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“I'm strong, I'm resilient, I'm limitless.”

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“No mountain remains a mystery when you take steps to conquer it.”

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“What seems impossible is simply waiting for you to try.”

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“When your legs burn and you’re heaving for air, it is proof that you’re alive.”

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“If you can’t finish a trail in one day, give yourself more days.”

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“Challenges exist for us to overcome them.”

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“Success isn’t defined by the difficulty of the hike but where the trail lies within our comfort zones.”

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“It’s not a competition to reach the top, it’s a promise you make with yourself.”

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“One step more is one step closer to the finish line.”

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Lessons We Learn From Nature

Someone somewhere once said that nature is perhaps the greatest classroom – there’s truth to that.

hiker walking in the woods

Nature is where we come from. It is the habitat of life and death. There’s so much to study about it, from the composition of insects and flora to water cycles and systems of survival.

Being in nature reminds us of our place, that we are simply cogs in an incomprehensible machine.

Here are some thought-provoking quotes to remind us about the human-nature connection, and what we can learn from it.

“Move steadily like water through a forest; even the smallest trickle can flow through earth to become a lake.”

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“There’s a breath in everything – from the whistling of our lungs to the spaces between trees, the air trapped in dirt and small steps of insects.”

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“Nature shows us that we can’t change what is meant to pass.”

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“When we embrace the itch of our sweat and loose rocks in our shoes, we realize that we had never left nature behind.”

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“Hiking teaches endurance, not only because the path seems impossibly long, but because we witness how nature keeps moving regardless of season and time.”

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“Only in the vast wilderness are we free to feel small and lost.”

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“In every steep climb, gently winding track and flat trails that lead into unknown depths is a lesson: there is no straight path to our destination.”

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“Just like how flowers turn to the sun, we need to seek our own source of energy.”

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“In a hunt, animals use their talons, fangs and instinct. On a hike, we use our senses, wits and willpower.”

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“Maps exist to guide us, but getting lost takes us to places we never think to seek.”

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“Sometimes hikes aren’t there to challenge us physically, but to test our mental flexibility.”

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“When the walk gets tough, it is a reminder for us to slow down, not stop.”

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Before you leave, watch the video below that contains 10 of the most inspiring adventure quotes.

From drawing out deep reflections to giving you an extra boost of energy, these hiking quotes outline what nature has to offer. Share them online and write down what inspires you – you never know who needs some words of encouragement.

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Ben - January 22, 2021

These quotes are awesome! I need some posters in my spare room with these on it.

    Asen - January 22, 2021

    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for your comment. I’m glad you like those hiking quotes!

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